Couples Counselling in Olds, AB

We help you create secure, resilient and successful relationships

Couples and Relationship Counselling in Alberta

You felt like you found your soul mate.

Perhaps now you feel like you are drifting apart, more like roommates than loving, romantic partners. You might even wonder if you matter to your partner anymore.

You couldn't wait to see each other.

Maybe now you are avoiding each other, having the same disagreement over and over or simply shut down and stopped talking to each other, thinking what’s the point, it only ends in hurt feelings and nothing changes.

You couldn't sleep and dreamt of your life together.

Now you are feeling lonely and disconnected in your relationship. Perhaps you’re worried that you’re headed towards a separation or divorce?

You felt safe, loved and cared for by your partner.

Maybe now you feel betrayed. Perhaps you or your partner had an emotional and/or physical affair and you don’t know if you can ever repair the trust and feel safe again.

You can get to the root of the issues, understand your emotions and better communicate with your loved ones so that you can get back to feeling good about yourself and your relationship. You can discover what’s most important to you, the emotions at the root of your issues and learn to explore your feelings individually and in your relationship. By understanding and connecting to your emotions, you’ll be able to explore creating new responses, long-lasting changes, and the deeper connection you have been longing for.

Whatever your pattern, we are guessing you’d love to finally be able to overcome it, but you have no idea how? Whether you come alone or with your partner or as part of a family, we can help provide support and relief.

Schedule a Free Consultation

For individual, couples and family therapy in Alberta

Uncertain about how to begin your search for the ideal therapist? Click below to book your free private 15 minute phone consultation with our office manager to be matched with one of our amazing therapists specializing in mental health, couples counselling, family therapy, trauma therapy and PTSD treatment.

Meet Our Couples Counsellors & Relationship Therapists

  • Nadia Katasonova

  • Desiree Morris, Child & Adolescent Therapist

    Desiree Morris

  • Ardelle Layde, Trauma & Relationship Therapist

    Ardelle Layden

  • Kimberly Williamson, Trauma, Couple & Family Therapist

    Kimberly Williamson

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a research-proven method of therapy that helps individuals, couples and families heal and connect. It places the focus on emotion, which while you might assume is not unique in therapy, it’s actually what makes EFT quite unique. EFT takes the approach that emotions are strongly linked to identity and therefore guide us in our decision-making, preferences, and communication styles.

Together with your therapist and partner, you’ll learn to explore the emotions behind relationship issues to help transform old harmful habits and stuck patterns into new more supportive, and loving communication. 

EFT was created in the 1980s by Dr. Sue Johnson.  Since then it has been validated by over 35 years of empirical research and has become a tested and proven intervention for couples. Research studies from the American Psychology Association found that 70-75% of couples moved from distress to recovery and approximately 90% showed significant improvements.

What is Emotionally Focused Therapy?

EFCT Couples Therapy
  • Effective couples & family therapy.

  • Move from relationship distress to recovery .

  • Learn to be more empathetic.

  • Build an alliance and better understanding of your partner .

  • Create new responses in close relationships.

  • Break out of unhealthy or destructive relationship patterns.

When Is Couples and Family Counselling Not Recommended?

Couples Counselling

The following circumstances will likely prevent the establishment of safety and trust in the therapy process:

  • If there is ongoing violence in a relationship.

  • If a partner is harboring a secret, such as an affair, and isn’t willing to disclose it, the therapist can help the person move toward revealing the secret during the early stages of therapy.

  • If one of the partners is adamant that the other is the problem even to the point of wanting their partner to have a psychiatric diagnosis.

  • If addictions are unacknowledged by a partner.

The basic task of the therapist is to provide a safe environment for the client to explore relationship issues whether that be with oneself or with others. Because counselling helps people ‘move’ beyond their stuck patterns through accessing the underlying vulnerability that each person is trying to protect, emotional safety is paramount.

Schedule a Free Consultation

For individual, couples and family therapy in Alberta

Uncertain about how to begin your search for the ideal therapist? Click below to book your free private 15 minute phone consultation with our office manager to be matched with one of our amazing therapists specializing in mental health, couples counselling, family therapy, trauma therapy and PTSD treatment.

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You Can Repair Rifts In Your Relationships and Build Strong Loving Bonds, To Enjoy Each Other Again

Dr. Sue Johnson